※This clip was created in December 2018, and the project name is now slightly changed.

※Please be advised that some messages, pictures, and movies may not be displayed due to the policy.

※Any postings considered as a profitable or promotional objectives as well as a religious or political shall be eliminated when found.

HOW to do

Write “TRUTH” Message, and Share

Write what you value in sport, what true lesson you learned from sport and cherish inside you, what you love about sport, or what value of sport matter in society - everything you feel in/through sport.

As a supporter of "i-PLAY TRUE Relay," you can collect as many messages as possible by using the message poster or you can personally send your TRUTH message via social media (add #iplaytrue #playtrue2020).

<Where to activate>
・Sport-related event
・Seminar for athletes
・Education-related event/activity
・School/Community activity
・International/Intercultural event etc

<How to apply>
Send "Request Form" for the message poster template.
The legacy poster design data will be sent to you after confirming your registration details.
"Request Form" is jumped to JADA website.
※You can post your message on Instagram (#iplaytrue #playtrue2020).
※Please be advised that your request may not be accepted depending on the content of Request Form

Request Form


Take “Filter Pose” Photo, and Share

"Filter Pose" is the symbol of TRUTH inside you.
With “Filter Pose”, your message/photo is showing that is true.

You can do it yourself.
Or, joint-up together with your friends and you take selfie photo.
Add hashtag (#iplatyrue #playtrue2020) when you post on Instagram or Twitter!

i-PLAY TRUE Relay: Filter Pose image clip
※This clip was created in December 2018, and the project name is now slightly changed.


Take “Relay” Actions, and Share

As if you are relaying a "makimono"...film the passing action as if you are actually passing a makimono or relay to another person.
Be creative!

How to do the relaying action is up to you!
Share your action on Instagram or Twitter or send it to JADA.
Everyone's passing action will be in relaying form?! Let's join us!

i-PLAY TRUE Relay: “Relaying Action” image clip
※This clip was created in December 2018, and the project name is now slightly changed.

Let’s find Athletes’ TRUTH messages!

  • “PLAY TRUE Relay” is to relay the athletes’ messages on TRUE lesson through sport.
    Only one “Makimono message” is relaying all around the world!