Learning tools that visually represent ideas
"Sports values" that are difficult to explain with words are explained through manga and illustrations in a way that is easy to understand.
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Medical Information Leaflet
This leaflet summarizes information for athletes to protect their rights and to perform their responsibilities participating in clean and fair sport.
It is useful not only for athletes, but for medical professional to inform what to know before providing medical treatment to the athletes.
Target: Athletes (RTP/TP, International-Level, National-Level, Youth), Athlete Support Personnel, Medical Professional
Digital&Audio Book_[For National-Level & International-Level Athlete] Clean Athlete Guide
This Athlete Guide is for National-Level and International-Level Athletes (NLA/ILA) to take their own clean sport actions.
Available in Digital book accessible for laptop and mobile-phone. Athletes who are visually impaired can use audio book.
Based on the principle of “the spirit of sport” and clean sport values, all 11 topics regarding Clean Sport are covered in seven chapters with education objectives. Throughout this Guide, NLA/ILA and their support personnel (ASP) can reflect their values for taking clean sport action by applying their knowledge. They can always come back to the necessary pages to check their own actions.
“Clean Sport Checklist” in the end of book is useful for reviewing their level of understanding on Anti-Doping Rules. ASPs can also make good utilize this Athlete Guide to support, guide and influence their athletes to follow clean sport path.
✔Education objectives: Understand – Capable of doing (able to do)
✔Education target: National & International-Level Athletes and their Athlete Support Personnel (for those who have already undergone the face-to-face workshop/seminar and/or e-learning)
➡ For Youth and Talented Youth Athletes, see “ [For Youth Athlete] Clean Athlete Guide”
Digital&Audio Book_[For Youth Athlete] Clean Athlete Guide
This Digital and Audio book is for the youth and junior-level athletes. A variety of activities are contained to think abou the values of sport and to understand how they can engage in protecting clean sport. Athletes can also learn about basic anti-doping rules through this Guidebook. With "LEVEL-UP CHALLENGE", athletes exercise how they can perform clean sport actions in each 11 topics.
✔Education objectives: Understand – Capable of doing (able to do)
✔Education target: Youth Athletes and their Athlete Support Personnel
➡ For National-Level and International-Level Athletes, see “ [For National-Level and International-Level] Clean Athlete Guide”
Anti-Doping Session Slide
This is the Power Point slides along with the Clean Athlete Guide for National-Level and International-Level Athletes.
Talking Points are included in note section of each slide.
This package is consists of the following materials:
- Main Session Slides
- Slides for active learning examples
- Worksheet
- Educator's guide
✔Education objectives: Understand – Capable of doing (able to do)
✔Education target: National & International-Level Athletes and their Athlete Support Personnel
[Active Learning Material] Paper Tower
"Paper Tower" is the learning activity to experience how rules matter to fair of sport.
Perfect to use at workshop for youth athletes as well as use as as an introduction of considering why rules are important to clean and fair sport at clean sport session to any athletes. The material includes "Lesson Plan", "Activity Sheets", and "Instruction Powerpoint".
Athletes Rights Act Pallet Poster
This pallet coloer poster summaries what Rights all atheletes have to participate in clean sport. It is useful to display on the wall or handouts to education targtes to raise awareness of Athletes Rights Act.
[For National-Level & International-Level Athlete] Clean Athlete Guide
This Athlete Guide is for National-Level and International-Level Athletes (NLA/ILA) to take their own clean sport actions.
With visible illustrations, based on the principle of “the spirit of sport” and clean sport values, all 11 topics regarding Clean Sport are covered in seven chapters with education objectives. Throughout this Guide, NLA/ILA and their support personnel (ASP) can reflect their values for taking clean sport action by applying their knowledge. They can always come back to the necessary pages to check their own actions.
“Clean Sport Checklist” in the end of book is useful for reviewing their level of understanding on Anti-Doping Rules. ASPs can also make good utilize this Athlete Guide to support, guide and influence their athletes to follow clean sport path.
✔Education objectives: Understand – Capable of doing (able to do)
✔Education target: National & International-Level Athletes and their Athlete Support Personnel (for those who have already undergone the face-to-face workshop/seminar and/or e-learning)
➡ For Youth and Talented Youth Athletes, see “ [For Youth Athlete] Clean Athlete Guide”
[For Youth Athlete] Clean Athlete Guide
This Guidebook is for the youth and junior-level athletes. A variety of activities are contained to think abou the values of sport and to understand how they can engage in protecting clean sport. Athletes can also learn about basic anti-doping rules through this Guidebook. With "LEVEL-UP CHALLENGE", athletes exercise how they can perform clean sport actions in each 11 topics.
【Leaflet】MANGA Athletes' Anti-Doping Rights Act
This leaflet makes the Athlete’s Act more accessible for the athletes to understand their rights to participate in clean sport and take appropriate actions when needed.
→Check its Movie too!
Target: RTP/TP Athletes, Youth/Jr Athletes, University Students Athletes, Athlete Support Personnel
Web Banner
Add our banner image to your website as a quick link for educators. Thank you!
【Movie】MANGA Athletes' Anti-Doping Rights Act
This MANGA clip makes everyone easily accessible to the Athletes’ Act for protecting themselves from doping, and make appropriate decision for Clean Sport.
Target: RTP/TP Athletes, Youth/Jr Athletes, University Students Athletes, Athlete Support Personnel
Video length: 00:12:43
Request this MaterialReal Champion Quiz (WEB version)
Everyone can try out this Real Champion Quiz with 3 levels to check their understanding of Anti-Doping Rules based on their values.
For Educators / Anti-Doping Organization, you can utilize this quiz for more effective education activity. If you want to see answered results (stored in JADA’s server) for analyzing, please click “Request this Material” button.
10 Fairness Scene MANGA Movie
Is it fair or unfair? What is "fairness" for you? How do you express the true value of Sport?
This is MANGA Movies of 10 topics on "fair" and "unfair" in sport.
You can use all or selected topics for creating discussions. Using with the illustration version "10 Fairness Scene Sheet" is effective.
Video length: 00:00:41
Request this MaterialTruth in Sport, Truth in ME – your integrity, sporting integrity MANGA Movie
What is the "integrity of sport"? What would you when you face a modal dilemma? Let's explore your TRUTH in this MANGA Movie! Using with the illustration version "10 Fairness Scene Sheet" is effective.
Video length: 00:00:47
Request this Material[Spanish ver.] MANGA Doping Control Procedure Poster
1 page, visual, step-by-step Doping Control Procedure. Display at the Doping Control Station, training facilities or wherever visible for Athletes.
Also useful to use as a handout as a supporting material at seminar/workshop or as a quick reminder.
Target: RTP/TP Athletes, Youth Athletes, University Students Athletes, Athlete Support Personnel
Format: Poster (A0 or A1 most suitable), A4 size handout
Spanish version
Discussion Sheet "Truth in Sport, Truth in ME –your integrity, sporting integrity"
What is the "integrity of sport"? What would you when you face a moral dilemma? You can use all or selected topics for creating discussions.
PLAY TRUE Guide (with 2021 Code)
Simple, start-up guide based on the 2021 World Anti-Doping Code with the highlighted points of ADRVs, Athletes' Roles and Responsibilities, and Testing.
Helpful to use for the "beginner athletes" who will likely be tested for the first time, and any athletes to whom require to acknowledge updated points from 2015 Code to 2021 Code.
Target: RTP/TP Athletes, Youth Athletes, University Athletes, Students, Anyone for Clean Sport
Format: 2 pages, printable both in poster size and handout A4 size
Digital Audio of PLAY TRUE Guide : for visually impaired
PLAY TRUE Guide (2021 Code) is available in DAISY format (digital audio guide).
You need to pre-install software either Dolphin EasyReader (Android and iOS) or AMIS (Windows) to play.
Target: Visually impaired Athletes, and their Support Personnel
[How to open DAISY]
1. Decompress the zip file, and open either Dolphin EasyReader or AMIS.
2. Select "Open" from the menu bar, and find the decompressed file from your computer.
3. Double-click on ncc.html in the folder. PLAY TRUE Guide will start up.
AMIS Windows
EasyReader Express
MANGA Doping Control Procedure Anime
2min fun MANGA guide. All visual about the basic procedure and important points on Doping Test.
This MANGA can be used at seminar, on your website, and at doping control station, etc.
Target: RTP/TP Athletes, Youth Athletes, University Students Athletes, Athlete Support Personnel
Format: mp4. (mov. is also available upon request)
Video length: 00:02:18
MANGA Doping Control Procedure Poster
1 page, visual, step-by-step Doping Control Procedure. Display at the Doping Control Station, training facilities or wherever visible for Athletes.
Also useful to use as a handout as a supporting material at seminar/workshop or as a quick reminder.
Target: RTP/TP Athletes, Youth Athletes, University Students Athletes, Athlete Support Personnel
Format: Poster (A0 or A1 most suitable), A4 size handout
Digital Audio of Doping Control Procedure Poster: for visually impaired
Doping Control Procedure Poster in DAYSY (digital audio guide) format.
You need to pre-intall software either Dolphin EasyReader (Android and iOS) or AMIS (Windows) to play.
Target: Visually impaired Athletes and their Athlete Support Personnel
[How to open DAISY]
1. Decompress the zip file, and open either Dolphin EasyReader or AMIS.
2. Select "Open" from the menu bar, and find the decompressed file from your computer.
3. Double-click on ncc.html in the folder. PLAY TRUE Guide will start up.
AMIS Windows
EasyReader Express
MANGA Doping Control Procedure Leaflet
Visual supported by simple wording on Doping Control Procedure. For any level of Athletes.
Choose any page to highlight a particular point of testing or fully cover the whole procedure.
Also effective to use as brochure placed in a waiting room of doping control station or as effective tool for Anti-Doping Education.
Target: RTP/TP Athletes, Youth Athletes, University Students Athletes, Students, Athlete Support Personnel
Format: A4 size
*A5 size is also available upon request (trimming needed)
Manga Education Movie:
"Is it fair?"
What is the "power of sport"? What would happen if the power of sport is in threat?
What would that situation be? Let’s explore and discover in "Play True Games".
Video length: 00:02:15
Request this MaterialManga Education Movie:
"Playing for your Best?"
What is "fairness" in sport? Does fairness only matter for you? Who creates fairness? Discover where "fairness" is embraced outside of sporting field!
Video length: 00:02:04
Request this MaterialManga Education Movie:
"Find your moment"
Anyone can find and create your "Real Champion Moment"!? What moment derives from athletes, and how will it be relayed? And... how about YOUR "moment"?
Video length: 00:01:19
Request this MaterialPLAY TRUE RELAY Movie
What can we do to protect the values of sport from doping?
To be a real champion, what the values of sport should be relayed to the future?
Actions and ideas of the athletes around the world help you to find what you can do to protect the clean sport and create the future of sport!
Navigator: Ms Chelsey Gotell, Chairperson of Athletes’ Council, International Paralympic Committee
*See more on PLAY TRUE RELAY
*This clip was created in February 2018, and the project name is now slightly changed.
Video length: 00:06:32
"New MO!" Rule Introduction Movie_Full ver.
“New MO!” is a new sport and learning tool to think and embody the values of sport.
- Request for the downloadable data as a Full version (All-3-chapter-in-one version).
*"New MO!" Lesson Plans (60, 90, 180min versions) can be found in the "Lesson Plans" (find "New MO!" in each navy box) →
Video length: 00:05:53
"New MO!" Rule Introduction Movie_3 chapters ver.
“New MO!” is a new sport and learning tool to think and embody the values of sport.
- Requesting for the downloadable data as separated into 3 chapters (3 movies) version - you can use each chapter
*"New MO!" Lesson Plans (60, 90, 180min versions) can be found in the "Lesson Plans" (find "New MO!" in each navy box) →
Video length: 00:05:53
DAISY Material Brochure
Introduction brochure which shows all available materials with DAISY (Digital Audio).
Poster on PLAY TRUE RELAY to distribute the values of sport.
(2019.05 ver.)
Size: 841mm x 1189mm (A0 size)
*Recommended to display at venues of sport events, accommodations for training camps, or even schools.
Anti-Doping Session Slide for Medical & Paramedical Personnel
Additional slides and instruction manual targeted for Medical and Paramedical personnel.
The user for this slide is expected to explain about the purpose of anti-doping activities, the priority of the World Anti-Doping Code, each anti-doping rules violation (ADRV) and other relevant matters.
10 Fairness Scene sheet
Illustration for 10 topics on "fair" and "unfair" in sport you can use all or selected topics for creating discussions
Activity Sheet
The activity tool to think and share "what you like about sport" and why "the power of sport" is important. Use together with MANGA movies to express how you can do to protect and develop the power of sport.
Activity Sheet (blank)
Activity Sheet freely used with 3 free questions to tailor to your needs.
Flag to sign
Flag to sign your names with your messages, thoughts, or even commitment to your sport.
Flash Card: "Is It fair?"
Selected scenes from Manga Education Movie, "Is it fair?". Possible to be used at any situation, such as for discussion, group work or role play.
Sport-related photos
5 photos illustrating the power of sport. Photos can be used to connect how the power of sport is related to society or daily life.