Be the Role Model ~discover and express~"I feel, discover power of sport"

1. To feel the power (good thing) of sport, and explain it in own words

2. To think about the power (good thing) of sport, explain it in own words, and share one's thoughts

3. To discover the power (good thing) of sport that connects to daily life

4. To reflect the power (good thing) of sport in daily life, and explain how to express it through one's behavior
TARGET Children / Students
WHAT Values of Sport
WHEN School
HOW Group Discussion
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Time Table
60-90 1 min Introduction 1 Share the theme of this session
3 min Introduction 2 Make a connection to sport
5-10 min Work 1-A Discover the power of sport
5-10 min Work 1-B Think about the power of sport
5 min Work 2-A Discover the connection between the power of sport and daily life
10-15 min Work 2-B Think about the connection between the power of sport and daily life
5 min Work 2-C Think about the connection between the power of sport and daily life
5-10 min Work 3-A Think about the connection between the power of sport and daily life
1 min Summary


  • Activity Sheet (blank)
  • Flag to sign
  • Manga Education Movie: "Find your moment"
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